
Y van pasando los años, los dias y las horas...

"Jamás desesperes, aún estando en las mas sombrías aflicciones, pues de las nubes negras cae agua limpia y fecundante."

"La desesperanza está fundada en lo que sabemos, que es nada. Y la esperanza sobre lo que ignoramos, que es todo."

"La peor forma de extrañar a alguien es estar sentado a su lado y saber que nunca lo podrás tener."

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...


(Lo que aprendi de ella, despues que exprese mis sentimientos de "amor" y "querer" usando una especie de lista, o mapa mental mio, de las cualidades buenas abundantes que me lleva a quererla). Error ...o horror...mio!

Ella me dijo:

"Never tell me you love me, not with words. I hate words. Just "feel" your love, but never speak of it. Exhale it, wrapped in feeling, and I will inhale it, and it will be mine for the moment -- without promise, but in thne moment, a deep truth.

And don't make lists about what you "love" about me, or what you "don't love" about me. I hate that, I hate your lists!

Just feel the moment, feel me when we're together, but don't think about me, don't think about "us". When you "think", we don't work. When you "feel" my presence, you will know all you'll ever need to know about me.

Feeling, just feeling, without thought, that's when we are real, when we exist, in the moment, together.

Words, lists and thoughts on --what we are, what we may or not become -- it divides us, pulls us apart, and invites the loneliness of trying and failing to meet the others expectations.

Feel -- just feel me, here and now, and remember that past and future are illusions, and only "now" is our truth, all that can exist, only "now".

Diana Gé dijo...

Ahí estaba todo